Meet the Maker.

My Why, My Story.

I grew up in a house that welcomed discussions about spirits, energies and angels. Which was handy, because I would talk to those invisible friends of mine, often. With that ingrained, I followed my nose to read and study natural therapies and healing subjects (pretty much) all of my life. All whilst working in either small ad agencies or tech start ups. I didn't study to open a clinic (although, maybe one day I will?). Instead, I simply wanted to be a better ripple in the pond of life, expand my consciousness, feel into the spaces in between and help others do the same.

What have I studied? Reiki (level 2), Indian Head Massage, Shiatsu, Kinesiology, Crystal Dreaming, Point of Light, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Crystal courses, Energy Healing Courses, Holistic Oriental Nutrition, Aromatherapy and many more shorter courses around energy, healing, and of course crystals.

A huge part of our wellbeing is based on healing/clearing the build up of emotions out of our cells (past traumas, abandonment, abuse, struggle to name just a few) and not just from this lifetime either. Our body is packed with cellular memory, with the proprioceptors that store emotions in the belly of our muscles. We are walking memory banks! And, moreover - our mindset, perception and how we choose to VIEW our reality makes a HUGE difference to our wellbeing.

I'd been working with essential oils for about 12yrs, and the same thing kept coming up - the powerful ability of scent. Just how much better I ALWAYS felt when I'd used the oils. Essential oils are one of the purest gifts from this planet we have received. Beyond how they affect us via their scent, it is more about how they affect us at a cellular level. Add to that new found knowledge of Plasma GaNS and include my love and reverence for the crystalline kingdom, and (for me) most importantly - to put YOU in the driver seat. Empowering another is the biggest gift we can give.

I've always felt like I have a foot in two worlds ... there is a very grounded part of me that loves exchange and creation, and there is a very mystical side of me that feels that exchange and creation are the spark for why we are here. So here I am. I'll do my best to serve you in whatever I can, for as long as I can.

My life has taken me on some incredible journeys, I've met some amazing people and learned a LOT. And now, I want to share with you all that brilliance. 

Katie Barget

This is how we started...

B U L S E  |

Plant based, small batch creations.

Handcrafted with love + intention.

Marrickville, Sydney, Australia.

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